It's Friday night and you know what that means, don't you? The distribution ended today. The week flew by as we saw people come in, people sit before us for various lengths of time, and people leave so very grateful for what they had received. After supper tonight, Jill gave us some final numbers for the week. We gave away 210 wheelchairs over these five days, including a few Brazilian chairs that had been traded in and that fit someone's need better than anything we had left.
I wish you could have seen the hard work right to the last person, which was a mother who brought her precious daughter, who was quite afflicted. Do you know how this mother found out about the distribution? From a friend who was here this morning with her father who needed a chair. When she saw all that was going on, she got on the phone and called her friend and told her she had to bring her daughter to get a chair. She even offered to bring them. They left their town at 3:00 this afternoon and arrived here at 4:40. Wow! And mind you, the young lady who brought them had already been here once today! This mother wept to be receiving a chair for her little girl.
Another difficult story was of a 14-year-old boy named Caio. He had severe scoliosis and had been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at age 8. His body had become so twisted that he sat in an awkward position leaning to the side with a lot of pressure on his ribcage. He had to support himself with his arms just to keep from falling out of the chair. You should have seen how upright he was when the therapists finished with him! He loved sitting more erect and having his arms free to move. He also was able to breathe better!
The gospel was shared again and again, and 19 people placed their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior today! Praise His name!! The total for the week was 79! We were pretty pumped about that! You know, the Lord Jesus said He was going to prepare a place for us, and since "us" keeps getting bigger, I guess He's still building! Cool!
Being at a Wheels for the World event reminds me of a quote I've read or heard from time to time in my life. It goes something like this: "Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words." Maybe St. Francis of Assissi or one of those fellows said it? Anyway, the gospel is being demonstrated in every act of kindness, every use of a skill or talent, every bit of compassion and affection, every smile, every re-telling of Joni's story, every explanation of why we do what we do. God's character is on display and his love is being authenticated and made real to folks who really are suffering. I can't tell you how many times we look into the face of a disabled child's mother and ask, "And how are YOU doing?", and we see a tear (or many). But never for long, for they quickly remember that they are brave and strong and that love gives them an on-going supply of what they need to make it through another day. We respect that love. We admire that love. We commend these determined mothers and other family members.
Speaking of commending, I just want to say that I commend every member of this WFTW team. It was my privilege to serve with them this week. My dear friend, Dinalva, who is disabled and has a ministry with the disabled in northeast Brazil, was here to serve as an evangelist, and Jenny and Monte Hanks (who work with her) were here as well. We loved getting to be a part of what our Father was doing in Niteroi, Brazil. I just love it when He shows up and shows off!! Way to go, God!!!
And way to go, faithful ones who held us up before His throne!!
Ever grateful,
Susan Cross, for the team
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