Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Franklin Journal is a small newspaper for the County of Franklin, Maine.  My Christian co-worker Paula Kane writes for them and submitted this article.  It came out yesterday.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Another worship song.  We harmonized so well and Jill had done a wonderful job preparing songsheets.  Someone from her church had taped herself singing and playing piano so we could have accompaniment!  It was great!
Morning Devotions with Richard

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Sun Journal wrote about one of our team members, Bernadette Harvell, and what our team did in Brazil !! Check it out!

Here's the link to read about it:

Hope everyone is doing well !

Best from LA,

Friday, June 8, 2012

Check This Out!!!

One of our WFTW team members has a personal blog she is willing to share about our outreach in Brazil.  Click here to enjoy reading how God is at work: 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'll Never Forget

Well, we've had time to settle back in at home, and I trust the Lord has rested everyone's body and quieted their spirit to be able to reflect on our experiences. May He keep it near to our hearts so we will NEVER forget what He did for us last week. We have been encouraged to write down and to share some of our stories, and there is one that continues to touch me. It is especially powerful as I am now back home with my husband, and I am hopeful that our lives will be like this sweet story as we age together!

On Wednesday of our distribution, Jorge and Eliana, a husband and wife, were brought in by their daughter, Daniela. Eliana has been struggling with multiple medical issues for many years and has been wheelchair bound for the past 5. Her devoted husband, Jorge, had been caring for her. Then, this past January, he suffered a stroke, which has left his right side very weak and his speech impaired, not to mention, limited his ability to care for his wife. He came that day to receive a chair and get a new chair for his wife. Jorge was so concerned about continuing to care for Eliana, he would not let her out of his sight while we worked with her chair. We were able to teach the daughter how to assist in transferring each of her parents using good body mechanics as well as providing  a sliding board and transfer belt to assist her in preventing back injuries. At the conclusion of each recipient's session, the team support person would coordinate a group picture and then print the recipient a personal copy to take with them (in addition to their gift bag of goodies, gospel bracelet and Bible in Portuguese). Our hearts were melted when Eliana and Jorge shared a tender kiss in their picture.

As we as humans love each other this much, how much MORE our heavenly Father loves us! This is just one of the multitude of special stories we were blessed to be a part of last week, and I know I am not the only person who has come home (yes, Susan) with my "socks blown off" by a glorious Savior and getting the chance to serve in the midst of what He is doing around this world! May we each continue that service where He has placed each of us in our daily lives!

By His Grace,

Back Row: Carol Leatherman & Cathy Dawson; Front (in their new wheelchairs): Eliana & Jorge

Sunday, May 27, 2012

On and on

The team left Rio at 9:30 PM on Saturday.  As I boarded the plane, I sat down next to a girl with a friendly smile.  I asked her if she was going home.  She explained she was from Indonesia and studied for her MBA in Texas.  She had been been visiting bussinesses in Brazil as part of her studies.  She returned the favor by asking me why I had been to Brazil.  I got to tell her about Joni and Wheels for the World, as well as the love of God!  I had a Joni tract on me and gave her one.  Pray for Fenda, she said she is a Muslim, but God placed her next to me for a reason!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

I am thrilled to be back in Northeast Brazil after seeing our God perform in unimaginable ways. We were blessed to be able to join in the work that God did in Niteroi. It was encouraging to us to see many respond to His love while He provided physically and spiritually to all that entered the wheelchair distribution this week. Our God is much bigger and His plans are way better than anything we could even begin to do. He has a way of moving us from our visions and dreams and plans and showing us a life that is so much better and that will last an eternity. I am excited to see what He is going to show us next!!! And if it has something to do with disabilities or wheelchairs in Brazil, then I will be ready to jump in and enjoy what God has for us to share. Thanks team for such an awesome week of love, and encouragement and showing us the Church in action!!     

Friday, May 25, 2012

It's Friday night and you know what that means, don't you?  The distribution ended today.  The week flew by as we saw people come in, people sit before us for various lengths of time, and people leave so very grateful for what they had received.  After supper tonight, Jill gave us some final numbers for the week.  We gave away 210 wheelchairs over these five days, including a few Brazilian chairs that had been traded in and that fit someone's need better than anything we had left.

I wish you could have seen the hard work right to the last person, which was a mother who brought her precious daughter, who was quite afflicted.  Do you know how this mother found out about the distribution?  From a friend who was here this morning with her father who needed a chair.  When she saw all that was going on, she got on the phone and called her friend and told her she had to bring her daughter to get a chair.  She even offered to bring them.  They left their town at 3:00 this afternoon and arrived here at 4:40.  Wow!  And mind you, the young lady who brought them had already been here once today!  This mother wept to be receiving a chair for her little girl.

Another difficult story was of a 14-year-old boy named Caio.  He had severe scoliosis and had been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at age 8.  His body had become so twisted that he sat in an awkward position leaning to the side with a lot of pressure on his ribcage.  He had to support himself with his arms just to keep from falling out of the chair.  You should have seen how upright he was when the therapists finished with him!  He loved sitting more erect and having his arms free to move.  He also was able to breathe better!

The gospel was shared again and again, and 19 people placed their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior today!  Praise His name!!  The total for the week was 79!  We were pretty pumped about that!  You know, the Lord Jesus said He was going to prepare a place for us, and since "us" keeps getting bigger, I guess He's still building!  Cool!

Being at a Wheels for the World event reminds me of a quote I've read or  heard from time to time in my life.  It goes something like this:  "Preach the gospel at all times.  If necessary, use words."  Maybe St. Francis of Assissi or one of those fellows said it?  Anyway, the gospel is being demonstrated in every act of kindness, every use of a skill or talent, every bit of compassion and affection, every smile, every re-telling of Joni's story, every explanation of why we do what we do.  God's character is on display and his love is being authenticated and made real to folks who really are suffering.  I can't tell you how many times we look into the face of a disabled child's mother and ask, "And how are YOU doing?", and we see a tear (or many).  But never for long, for they quickly remember that they are brave and strong and that love gives them an on-going supply of what they need to make it through another day.  We respect that love.  We admire that love.  We commend these determined mothers and other family members.

Speaking of commending, I just want to say that I commend every member of this WFTW team.  It was my privilege to serve with them this week.  My dear friend, Dinalva, who is disabled and has a ministry with the disabled in northeast Brazil, was here to serve as an evangelist, and Jenny and Monte Hanks (who work with her) were here as well.  We loved getting to be a part of what our Father was doing in Niteroi, Brazil.  I just love it when He shows up and shows off!!  Way to go, God!!!

And way to go, faithful ones who held us up before His throne!!

Ever grateful,

Susan Cross, for the team

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hi, praying ones,

Thank you for continuing to hold us up in prayer this week.  It's Thursday, the fourth day of the distribution.  Weariness in body is accumulating, but we are soaring in the Spirit, because the God who lives in us is NOT tired!!  That was an encouragement to us today as we served the needs of 64 disabled people!  Whew!  They just kept coming in!  In some cases we just made repairs to the chair someone already had and we also gave away one or two Brazilian chairs that had belonged to people who got new chairs today.

One gentleman who came late in the day had been waiting since last year for a chair.  Apparently we had run out of chairs last year when he came, or at least we didn't have something that was better for him than what he already had.  He made it another year, but you should have seen the condition of his chair when he arrived.  The left foot support was broken and hanging and the left caster wheel was missing altogether!  (He said it had broken last week.)  Imagine how precarious it was for him to get around.  And what does he do for a living?  He sells candy at red lights, moving among the cars while they are stopped.  Once again, we did not have any chairs that were as light and maneuverable as what he had, but just about an hour before it was his turn to be served, someone had been fitted with a new chair and left behind their old one.  With a few adjustments and some parts removed from the old chair to put on the new one, he left in much better shape than he had arrived.

We had several folks who had been paralyzed by gunshot wounds or car accidents, and one young lady lost both legs in a motorcycle accident two years ago.  She was (and still is) an accomplished athlete.  Prior to the accident, she was on the national women's soccer team, and now she represents Brazil in the Paralympics in swimming.

We also had some very complicated cases today that required hours and hours of sustained effort on the part of the therapists and mechanics to complete.  How they labored with diligence and dependence on God for His guidance and strength!  And He did not fail them!  Those families left knowing that they had been in the midst of the activity of God.  One family in particular was here all day and the long-worked-on chair was finally finished about 7:30 this evening.  They were so touched by the way they were treated and the care their family member was given that all three wanted to receive Christ as Savior!  Praise His name!  In all, 22 people accepted Christ today!  Oh, joy!!!  The gospel bracelets have been a tremendous help, but we are almost out of them, so next time we need to bring more!  For heaven's sake, make a note, someone.  : )

We have one more day of ministry and not many chairs remain so we will have to see if what we have will serve the needs of those who come.  Continue to pray that God will draw hearts to Himself and give us strength for another day of being the hands and feet of Jesus.  What a privilege!!

Wowed by His love,

Susan Cross, for the team
sorry about this late blog but the internet was acting up. but better late than never. we had a busy day yesterday. we saw 54 people and 17 came to the LORD!!! they have put the word out via television, radio and newspaper that we are here so we are expecting very busy days for the next 2 days. we had a woman come with her disabled brother to get him a wheelchair. she saw the newspaper article and came as soon as she could. she and her brother had been disowned by their parents when they were children and grew up in the streets. she had tried suicide a few weeks ago because of their situation. during the distribution she told her team that this was the first time she felt love and that she was told she was beautiful. she had been trying for 3 years to get a wheelchair for her brother. it was also her birthday and she felt it was GOD's gift to her, to let her know that HE loves her and cares for her. the best gift of all was the Bible that was given to her and her brother. it is an overwhelming theme here that the Bible is often cherished as much as the wheelchair, if not even more so. a child came in with his parents and we were having trouble getting the headrest just right for him. i noticed a man helping the mechanic trying to figure out how to fit it and he was the one who persevered. when asked how he was related to the child and the parents, he said he was their landlord and had a car so they could get a wheelchair for the child. GOD provides help in the most unexpected people and ways. we had an elderly couple who both needed wheelchairs and it was so sweet to see them so concerned about each other. the husband would not leave the station until he made sure his wife's wheelchair was just right! a reminder that all is not right in the world also happened. i brought a bright red wheelchair for a little boy and he was so excited. he was excited but i could tell his mother was not happy with the chair. when asked why, she said the color red was associated with local drug cartels and she did not want to endanger her son. a quick change in wheelchair color and all was well. that's it from here now. time to go to serve as there is a room full of people waiting for a chair and the saving knowledge of our LORD. thanks for all your prayers and support. the team can feel your support.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hi, faithful ones who are holding us up in prayer,

It's Susan again tonight.  Jenny Hanks had volunteered to blog for Tuesday but today is hers and Monte's 40th wedding anniversary and they went out with the team, so I offered to write for her.  And Happy Anniversary, Jenny and Monte!!  What a great way to make a memory for this anniversary!

Today was quite different than we expected.  A group of eleven children and adults from a learning center in Campos (five hours away) was supposed to arrive here at 8:00 this morning but they didn't make it until maybe 3:30, so we had a rather light day until they arrived.  (There was another group we were expecting after lunch that somehow was told to come another day.)  The group from Campos had had problems with their transportation and been up most of the night, yet their caregivers told us that they had not even slept on the way because they were all too excited about getting a wheelchair!  They were precious!  We knew at breakfast this morning that they had had problems and that they would be delayed, so we began praying for them, that God would meet them right where they were and supply every need and bring them safely to us.  After lunch, our group sang and prayed more for them, so we were all very ready to love on them and take extra good care of them when they arrived.

The therapists all worked hard, looking for just the right chair for each person, and the mechanics made all the necessary adjustments so that that particular chair would meet the person's needs as ideally as possible.  Once again, I was touched to see such thoughtful consideration and attention given to each person's situation.  And I LOVED seeing the love of God ooze through every pore of their being to surround and undergird each life.  Talk about the body of Christ in action!  I saw Jesus with skin on!!

One neat thing that happens while the therapist and mechanic are looking for the right chair (or perhaps making adjustments to the chair) is that the support person will ask the client a few questions about his or her interests and then go select a bag of gifts for the person.  There might be a toy, some hair bands, a paint set, socks, or some candy, but in every bag there is a Bible and a gospel bracelet.  The support person shares the gospel story briefly, using the colored beads on the bracelet, and this is yet another way that the person's heart is prepared for the follow-up time when an evangelist shares more in depth about our Lord Jesus Christ.

One older gentleman who came this morning was very touched by the kindness of his physical therapist, mechanic, and support person.  He couldn't stop thanking them for what they were doing for him and he cried as the gospel bracelet was shared with him.  After finishing with all the adjustments to his wheelchair, he was taken to the evangelism station where the gospel was further explained.  He said that he was not a Christian, that he had searched everywhere for peace but was full of anguish.  Today, though, he understood God's offer of salvation and was ready to accept Christ as Savior!  He said that he felt his burden lift when he prayed.  Hmmmm....sound like the work of anyone you know?  Someone who might have said something like, "Come unto Me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."  The man also said that if he had had to choose between leaving with a wheelchair and leaving with the new peace he had found, he would choose the peace!  Yep, that gives it away for sure, because He IS our peace!!!  This man's decision was made even sweeter by the joy of the young lady (Noelle) who had so carefully shared the gospel bracelet presentation with him through the interpreter.  It was the first time anyone she had shared the gospel with had responded (accepted Christ) and she was overcome with emotion!  We all cried with her!  Group hug?  You bet.  Group puddle?  Pretty much. 

There you have it--for now, at least.  I didn't get to hear stories from the other therapists yet so maybe someone will write some of those tomorrow night.

On duty an eyewitness of His majesty,

Susan Cross, for the team

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hi, everyone,

This is low-tech Sue, your friendly neighborhood underdeveloped blogger taking a turn for the team tonight!!  Today was our first day of distribution and boy, I wish you could all have been flies on the wall!  Actually, let me re-word that!  You could have just come as yourself and entered right into the work with us!  You would have loved it!!  There's nothing quite like being right smack dab in the middle of what our awesome God is doing!!!

The first day is always a bit hectic and everyone learns to work together but overall it was an excellent day and we give praise and honor to our God, whose name was lifted on high again and again and again!  From the moment the families came through the door, God's love was being demonstrated in a variety of ways, and this continued throughout the entire process.  It was amazing to be involved in such an unmistakable movement of God, as therapists, mechanics, support people, and translators all converged with the goal of meeting a temporary need in order to offer an opportunity to have an eternal need met!

Thirty-nine chairs were fitted to clients today--an awesome number for a first day with its bumps and trials.  Way to go, team!!  At times, clients were literally worked with for HOURS as the chosen chair was customized and adjusted.  By the time each family had been loved on throughout this process, they were ready to hear a clear presentation of the gospel, and guess what!  Fifteen people accepted the message of God's love expressed in our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!!  Praise His name!!  You do know that He DIED so that this could happen, right?!!!!  We are thrilled to join God in His amazing work of drawing hearts to Himself!

Gotta close soon but let me tell you a couple of favorite moments shared by the therapists tonight.  One client who received a chair today looked at her mother with great joy and said, "Mom!  We can go for a walk!"  Isn't that precious?

Another story is of a 16-yr-old young man who was injured in an accident four years ago and is a quadriplegic now.  He arrived very depressed and disengaged with anything around him.  As the therapist and her team worked with him, they told him Joni's story and about how young she was when she became a quadriplegic.  They helped him physically and emotionally in every way they could, letting God's love flow through them.  Then when he and his family went to the evangelism station after the chair was finished, this young man accepted Christ!  Let's pray that he will truly sense that God has a purpose for his life--a wonderful purpose!!

I thought you would like knowing a couple of personal stories from the day.  We are so thankful for your interest in what God is doing and we are glad that He has allowed us to come and be a part of His wonderful work!

Time to sleep.  Keep praying for us, please!

For the team,

Susan Cross (translator)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Team Has Arrived

Praising God that the whole team has arrived safely in Niterói, Brazil with ALL their luggage.  We had great meals today, went to a scenic overlook of this beautiful city across the bay from Rio de Janeiro and got acquainted with each other at Team Orientation. 

Please pray that everyone stays healthy, gets caught up on their sleep tonight and is prepared for their commissioning and organizing of the 225 wheelchairs and supplies tomorrow.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jill, Richard and Stephen (the Advance Team) are thrilled to be in Brazil and have been warmly welcomed by our ministry partners.  However J&R have delayed luggage (hopefully it will arrive by Thursday evening) and the wheelchairs have still not been delivered to the distribution site.  The chairs have been released from customs, however.  Praise God!!  Please pray for as we buy supplies and prepare for the rest of the team's arrival on Saturday morning.  Many of them are fighting health issues and need to be full strength for the work ahead.  We hope to keep you posted as time and internet connectivity permit.

Monday, May 14, 2012

It's getting close to the time for us to leave for Brazil. So much to do but it seems like it always gets done.
During preparation an interesting request came up.  A child in Brazil needs a pediatric walker. About 7 years ago some friends gave me a pediatric walker hoping I could take it on a WFTW trip. But the usual way is that the walkers, crutches, and canes go with the wheelchairs. This year those items weren't included with the wheelchairs. I had taken the walker to PTA school to show my students what they look like. When I heard a child needed it, I knew I had to find a way to get it there.  I finally was able to take it apart and put it in my luggage. How wonderful that a child will be able to use this walker. (Now the challenge of putting it back together once I get it to Brazil!)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Blessings from the Body

I have been blessed in many ways while preparing to go.  One of them is how the church helped with the supply list.  Some purchased saws, screws, and duct tape, while others sat behind their sewing machines and donated a large stack of wheelchair bags, cushion covers, and bibs.  I am so grateful!


Monte and Jenny Hanks in Brazil

We are so grateful to have this opportunity to join WFTW in Brazil from this side!!!  What a Great God we have! We have been living in Northeast Brazil, working at Camp Refuge (Refugio Sobre Rodas) with Dinalva Nabuco, (missionary in Brazil). Dinalva herself is disabled and has a heart for Brazilians that are disabled. She exhibits no shyness when approaching Brazilians on the street, that happen to be in a wheelchair or using crutches. We are constantly surprised and amazed at the way God is working in our lives and in this special friend's life. God is here in Brazil and we have joined the work that HE is accomplishing in the hearts of the Brazilian people.  Our prayer request would be that God will ready the hearts of Brazilians planning to come to receive a gift of a wheelchair. That He would fight the spiritual battles that surround us. That He would give our team a special bond with each other that would glorify Him to others surrounding the outreach. That the Rotary club members would want to know our Great God and why we have a love for one another. That we would exhibit a patience that only God can give. That we would be rested and free from any illnesses that can interfere with the work set before us. That we would walk in the steps that He provides. And that we would always remember that this is His work and His results. We are only hands and feet, He is the provider........  

Thursday, May 3, 2012



  1. For the release of the wheelchairs from customs in time for the distribution
  2. For the Rotary Club as they schedule wheelchair recipients and recruit National volunteers to prepare our meals, register clients, serve as therapists, mechanics and evangelists, etc.
  3. For connections with more churches and pastors to promote disability ministry
  4. That God will be glorified in everything we do
  5. That our hearts will be humble and submitted to Him
  6. For the financial provision of each team member
  7. For protection, physical stamina, safety and health as we work and travel
  8. That God will be preparing hearts to receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior
  9. For unity among our team and the Brazilian volunteers
  10. For wisdom, discernment and sensitivity to be led by the Holy Spirit
  11. For ample supplies and Portuguese Bibles for each recipient
  12. For the provision and protection of our family members remaining at home
  13. That new believers would continue to grow in Christ after the "Wheels" team returns home


Dedicated volunteers called Chair Corps Representatives collect used wheelchairs across the United States. The chairs are then transported to Restoration Shops where carefully trained inmates in 16 separate correctional facilities around the country restore wheelchairs to like-new condition. The inmates learn to work together, perfect basic mechanical skills, and produce a product of which they can be proud. Hardened inmates have been moved to tears when they see the happiness in a photo of the face of a little boy or girl receiving a wheelchair of their very own.

After the wheelchairs are fully restored they are shipped overseas to meet up with short-term missions teams. These distribution and evangelism teams custom fit each wheelchair specifically for each recipient and train him or her in wheelchair use and upkeep. Team members also give each recipient a Bible and communicate the message of God's love for them.

As a recipient of the love of God in action, many place their trust in Christ. They experience new life and purpose with their new mobility . . . and disability ministry grows all over the world.